К основному контенту



Transportation - Aeroplanes - [Two day in the air - Flight from New York to Paris by Bert Acosta and Clarence B. Chamberlain.] 1927

Последние сообщения

Ships -- New York (State) -- New York 1900

Social conditions - [Rear view of buildings.] 1923

Squatters Colony - Shanty town. 1938

Street scenes - Vagrants. 1938

Strikes and demonstrations. 1912

Transportation - [8th Avenue elevated railroad at 110th Street, Manhattan.]

Transportation - [A horse drawn open barouche in Central Park.] 1938

Transportation - Aeroplanes - [Two day in the air - Flight from New York to Paris by Bert Acosta and Clarence B. Chamberlain.] 1927

Transportation - Air. 1936

Transportation - Beer Turck 1938